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Natural Pest Control





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Natural Pest Control(圖1)-速報App

Nowadays people like growing their own vegetables and fruits, basically, owning their own kitchen gardens. And, why not? Who would not love organic produce from their own garden without having to worry about the dangerous implications of harmful chemical pesticides and insecticides? Pesticides are not just toxic to the environment, but also to humans and animals. Exposure to these chemically-loaded pesticides has been associated with serious illnesses and a cause of number of health effects, ranging from respiratory disorders to cardiovascular issues. If you are thinking, how you would even save your plants from bugs and insects, then you must know that there are some natural wonders present in your kitchen that can make for effective and natural pesticides - they would be natural and chemical-less. We list down some of our favorite, all-natural, inexpensive, organic methods for making pesticides for your kitchen garden.

Natural Pest Control(圖2)-速報App

Natural Pest Control(圖3)-速報App

Natural Pest Control(圖4)-速報App

Natural Pest Control(圖5)-速報App

Natural Pest Control(圖6)-速報App